-# mw - VCS-like nonsense for MediaWiki websites
-# Copyright (C) 2010 Ian Weller <ian@ianweller.org>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import cookielib
-import gzip
-import json
-import mw
-import mw.metadir
-import os
-from StringIO import StringIO
-import urllib
-import urllib2
-class API(object):
- def __init__(self, api_url, metadir):
- self.api_url = api_url
- self.metadir = metadir
- self.cookiejar = cookielib.MozillaCookieJar(os.path.join(
- self.metadir.location, 'cookies'))
- try:
- self.cookiejar.load()
- except IOError:
- self.cookiejar.save()
- self.cookiejar.load()
- self.opener = urllib2.build_opener(
- urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(self.cookiejar))
- self._high_limits = None
- def call(self, data):
- data['format'] = 'json'
- user_agent = 'mw/%s +http://github.com/ianweller/mw' % mw.version
- request = urllib2.Request(self.api_url, urllib.urlencode(data),
- {'User-Agent': user_agent})
- request.add_header('Accept-encoding', 'gzip')
- response = self.opener.open(request)
- self.cookiejar.save()
- if response.headers.get('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip':
- compressed = StringIO(response.read())
- gzipper = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=compressed)
- data = gzipper.read()
- else:
- data = response.read()
- the_data = json.loads(data)
- if 'error' in the_data.keys():
- raise APIError(the_data['error']['info'])
- return the_data
- def limits(self, low, high):
- if self._high_limits == None:
- result = self.call({'action': 'query',
- 'meta': 'userinfo',
- 'uiprop': 'rights'})
- self._high_limits = 'apihighlimits' in \
- result['query']['userinfo']['rights']
- if self._high_limits:
- return high
- else:
- return low
-class APIError(Exception):
- def __init__(self, info):
- self.info = info
- def __str__(self):
- return self.info
-def pagename_to_filename(name):
- name = name.replace(' ', '_')
- name = name.replace('/', '!')
- return name
-def filename_to_pagename(name):
- name = name.replace('!', '/')
- name = name.replace('_', ' ')
- return name