2009-12-23 Benjamin Mako... added explanation for why the letters are bad
2009-12-23 Benjamin Mako... moved both templates to use underscores
2009-12-23 Benjamin Mako... added letter templates
2009-12-23 Benjamin Mako... renamed directory to remove extraneous bib
2009-12-23 Benjamin Mako... added installation details
2009-12-23 Benjamin Mako... added copyright information to mako-mem.sty
2009-12-23 Benjamin Mako... released under gplv3 and moved paper-template-bin into...
2009-11-28 Benjamin Mako... added article-1 (which i do need after all)
2009-11-28 Benjamin Mako... added support for the vc plugin
2009-11-28 Benjamin Mako... moved over to the new memoir-based template from kjh
2009-05-21 <>two types of pos
2009-05-21 <>made some minor changes
2008-10-19 <>updated bibliography stuff
2008-10-17 <>fixed evince
2008-02-17 <>fixed up fonts to work with garamond and helvetica
2007-07-28 <>minor formatting nit
2007-07-28 <>merged in changes with packge information
2007-07-28 <>added bibliographic information
2007-07-28 <>added commonly used packages
2007-07-11 <>A few other tiny changes to the Makefile.
2006-05-18 <>Merged in changes from the other main branch.
2006-05-18 <>Merged in changes from the bibliography.
2006-05-18 <>Replaced blank text with pangram.
2006-05-18 <>Updated Makefile to use/require the use of rubbber...
2006-03-19 <>Removed email address from the template here.
2006-03-19 <>Synced with the bibliography branch.
2006-03-19 <>Added a bibliography mode to this branch.
2006-03-19 <>Initial import into BZR of my TeX templates.

Benjamin Mako Hill || Want to submit a patch?