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+\def\myauthor{Benjamin Mako Hill}
+\def\mytitle{Curriculum Vitae}
+\def\myaffiliation{Massachusetts Institute of Technology}
+\def\myphone{(+1) 206-409-7191}
+\def\myfax{(+1) 815-361-75092}
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+%% Name
+\noindent{\Large {\textsc{\textbf{Benjamin Mako Hill}}}}
+\subsection{Massachusetts Institute of Technology}
+\item 2008--Present (ABD). PhD in \emph{Management} and \emph{Media
+ Arts and Science}. \\
+ Program Committee: Eric von Hippel, Tom Malone, and
+ Mitch Resnick. \\
+ Passed general examinations in (a) technoloigcal
+ innovation and entreprenruship, (b) organizational sociology and (c)
+ technology design for creativity and cooperation.\\
+ (GPA: 5.0/5.0)
+\item 2005--2007. Masters of Science in \emph{Media, Arts, and
+ Sciences} from MIT Media Lab. \\ (GPA: 5.0/5.0)
+\subsection{Hampshire College}
+\item 1999--2003. Bachelor of Arts. Major in \emph{Literature,
+ Technology and Intellectual Property Policy}. \\ (GPA: N/A)
+\subsection{Massachusetts Institute of Technology}
+\item 2007--Present. Research Fellow, MIT Center For Future Civic Media.
+\item 2010-Present. Teaching Assistant, MIT Sloan School of Management
+ and MIT Program in Systems Design and Management.
+\item 2007--2008. Senior Researcher, MIT Sloan School of Management,
+ Innovation Lab.
+\item 2005--2007. Research Assistant, \emph{Electronic Publishing}
+ and \emph{Computing Culture} Research Groups, MIT Media Lab.
+\subsection{Journal Articles}
+\item 2007. Hill, Benjamin Mako. Revealing Errors. \emph{Media/Culture
+ Journal} 10 (Feature Article).
+\item 2004. Coleman, Gabriella, and Benjamin Mako Hill. 2004. How free
+ became open and everything else under the sun. \emph{Media/Culture
+ Journal} 7 (Feature Article).
+\subsection{Refereed Conference Papers}
+\item 2010. Buechley, Leah, Benjamin Mako Hill. LilyPad in the wild:
+ How hardware's long tail is supporting new engineering and design
+ communities. Proceedings of the Conference on Design of Interactive
+ Systems. Aarhus, Denmark.
+\item 2010. Hill, Benjamin Mako, Andrés Monroy Hernández, and Kristina
+ Olson. Responses to remixing on a social media sharing
+ website. Pp. 74-81 in Proceedings of the 4th AAAI Conference on
+ Weblogs and Social Media. Washington, D.C.: AAAI.
+\item 2003. Michlmayr, Martin, and Benjamin Mako Hill. Quality and the
+ reliance on individuals in free software projects. Pp. 105–109 in
+ Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering.
+\subsection{Book Chapters}
+\item 2010. Hill, Benjamin Mako. Revealing errors. In \emph{Error:
+ Glitch, Noise, and Jam in New Media Cultures} edited by Mark
+ Nunes. Continuum. (An expanded version of the 2007 journal article.)
+\item 2004. Coleman, Gabriella, and Benjamin Mako Hill. The social
+ production of ethics in Debian and free software communities:
+ Anthropological lessons for vocational ethics. In \emph{Free/Open
+ Source Software Development} edited by Stefan Koch.
+\subsection{Review Articles}
+\item 2008. Hill, Benjamin Mako. Samir Chopra, Scott
+ D. Dexter, Decoding Liberation: The Promise of Free and Open Source
+ Software. \emph{Minds and Machines} 18:297-299.
+ % \item 2007. [S.M. Thesis] Hill, Benjamin Mako. “Cooperation in
+ % Parallel: A Tool for Supporting Collaborative Writing in
+ % Diverged Documents.” Masters Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
+ % Technology, Program in Media Arts and Sciences. Advised by
+ % Walter Bender, Chris Csikszentmihályi, and Gabriella Coleman.
+\item 2005. Hill, Benjamin Mako. Reflections on free
+ software past and future. \emph{First Monday} 10.
+ % \item 2003 [B.A. Thesis] Hill, Benjamin Mako. “Literary
+ % Collaboration and Control A Socio-Historic, Technological and
+ % Legal Analysis.” Undergraduate Thesis, Hampshire
+ % College. Advised by James Miller, James Wald, and David Bollier.
+\subsection{Unpublished Working Papers}
+\item Hill, Benjamin Mako. Almost Wikipedia: What eight early online
+ collaborative encyclopedia projects reveal about the mechanisms of
+ collecdtive action.
+\item Hill, Benjamin Mako. ``What the community is remixing:'' The
+ effect of a new status-based incentive to collaborate in an online
+ collaborative community.
+\subsection{Selected Invited Presentations}
+%\item 2010-11-17. Almost Wikipedia: What eight early online collaborative encyclopedia projects reveal about the mechanisms of collecdtive action. MIT Economic Sociology Working Group. % missing
+\item 2010-08-02. ``What the community is remixing:'' The effect of a
+ new status-based incentive to collaborate in an online collaborative
+ community. MIT Open and User Innovation Workshop.
+\item 2010-06-10. Reviewing and challenging socio-political
+ approaches in the analysis of open collaboration and collective
+ action online. With Mayo Fuster Morell. WikiSym 2010. Gdansk,
+ Poland.
+%\item 2010-06-09. "What the community is remixing:" The effect of a new status-based incentive to collaborate in an online collaborative community. MIT Economic Sociology Working Group.
+\item 2010-04-26. Two empirical analyses of cooperation in
+ Scratch. With Andrés Monroy Hernández. Harvard Cooperation Group,
+ Berkman Center for Internet and Society.
+\item 2009-11-20. The State of FLOSS Research. University of
+ Massachusetts Department of Computer Science in Amherst,
+ Massachusetts.
+\item 2008-10-21. Revealing Errors. Harvard-MIT-Yale Cyberscholar
+ Working Group. Harvard University.
+\item 2008-04-07. Renaissance Panel: The Roles of Creative Synthesis
+ in Innovation. CHI 2008 in Florence, Italy.
+\item 2007-11-15. Reflections on Decoding Liberation. Book Launch
+ Event for \emph{Decoding Liberation} at Brooklyn College.
+\item 2008-01-22. Clouding Computing and Free and Open Source
+ Software. Computing in the Cloud Workshop at the Center for
+ Information Technology Policy at Princeton University.
+\item 2007-04-27. Reflections on the War on Share. With Elizabeth
+ Stark. Media in Transition 5 Conference at MIT.
+\item 2007-06-27. Parallel Document Development. User Innovation
+ Conference at Copenhagen Business School.
+% \item 2006-06-02. Defining Moments, Conference on Engaging in Open Source (CEOS) organized by the ACM Chapter at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
+\subsection{Teaching Experience}
+\item 2010, Spring. Teaching Assistant: How to Develop ``Breakthrough''
+ Products and Services. (with Prof. Eric von Hippel). MIT Program in
+ Systems Design and Management.
+\item 2010, Spring. Teaching Assistant: User-Centric
+ Innovations. (with Prof. Eric von Hippel). MIT Sloan School of
+ Management.
+\item 2008, Fall. Graduate Reading Seminar in Free Software and Open
+ Source. MIT Media Lab. %missing
+\item 2008, Fall. Seminar in Collective Intelligence. MIT Sloan School
+ of Management. %missing
+\subsection{Guest Lectures}
+I have given dozens of guest lectures on a variety of subjects. A full
+list is available at \url{http://mako.cc/academic}. I have lectured at
+MIT, Yale, Harvard, and the Evergreen State college.
+Topics I have lectured on include:
+\item 2008--2010. Introduction to Free Software and Open Source.
+\item 2010. Free Election Technologies.
+\item 2008--2010. Hackers: What they do, and why they do it.
+\item 2008--2010. Revealing Errors: What errors can teach us about technology and power.
+\item 2008. Disasters and Free Software.
+\item 2007. Parallel Document Development.
+% missing other neil's class?
+% \item 2009-05-11. Introduction to Free Software and Open Source. MIT
+% Center for Bits and Atom (Neil Gershenfeld). % missing
+% \item 2010-11-03. Building Free Election Technologies. MIT Visual Arts
+% Program: Crisis Mapping. % missing
+% \item 2010-10-08. Introduction to Free Software and Open Source. MIT
+% Media Lab: MAS.961 (Design for Empowerement, Leah Buechley). %missing
+% \item 2010-05-04. Hackers: What they do, and why they do it. Visiting
+% MBA Class from Vienna University at MIT Sloan School of Management
+% (Philipp Türtscher).
+% \item 2010-02-16. Hackers: What they do, and why they do it. MIT Sloan
+% School of Management: 15.356 (Eric von Hippel).
+% \item 2010-02-12. Hackers: What they do, and why they do it. MIT
+% Program in Systems Design and Management: 15.969 (Eric von Hippel).
+% \item 2009-11-05. Introduction to Free Software and Open Source. MIT
+% Media Lab: Future Craft (Prof. Hiroshi) % missing MAS.921
+% \item 2009-02-20. Hackers: What they do, and why they do it. MIT
+% Program in Systems Design and Management: 15.969 (Eric von Hippel).
+% \item 2009-02-17. Hackers: What they do, and why they do it. MIT Sloan
+% School of Management: 15.356 (Eric von Hippel).
+% \item 2009-11-13. Free Software, Open Source, and Academic Research.
+% MIT Media Lab: MAS.961 (Design for Empowerement, Leah Buechley).
+% \item 2009-03-24. Revealing Errors, Yale Law School ISP in New Haven,
+% Connecticut.
+% \item 2009-03-24. Introduction to Free/Libre Open Source. For
+% Elizabeth Stark at Yale in New Haven, Connecticut.
+% \item 2009-06-16. Free/Libre Open Source Software 101, Knight
+% Foundation News Conference at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
+% \item 2008-10-21. Revealing Errors, Harvard-MIT-Yale Cyberscholar
+% Working Group at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at
+% Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts
+% \item 2008-10-01. Introduction to Free Software and Open Source. MIT
+% Media Lab: Future Craft (Prof. Hiroshi) % missing MAS.921
+% \item 2008-04-07. Renaissance Panel: The Roles of Creative Synthesis
+% in Innovation, CHI 2008 in Florence, Italy.
+% \item 2008-03-03. Disasters and Free Software, Zones of Emergency
+% series at the Center for Advanced Visual Studies at MIT in
+% Cambridge, Massachusetts.
+% \item 2008-01-22. Clouding Computing and Free and Open Source
+% Software, Computing in the Cloud Workshop at the Center for
+% Information Technology Policy at Princeton University in Princeton,
+% NJ.
+% \item 2007-11-15. Reflections on Decoding Liberation, Book Launch
+% Event for Decoding Liberation at Brooklyn College.
+% \item 2007-06-27. Parallel Document Development, User Innovation
+% Conference at Copenhagen Business School in Copenhagen, Denmark.
+% \item 2007-04-27. Reflections on the War on Share, Media in Transition
+% 5 (MiT5) at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
+% \item 2006-06-02. Defining Moments, Conference on Engaging in Open
+% Source (CEOS) organized by the ACM Chapter at Dalhousie University
+% in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
+% \item 2006-04-28. Information Freedom, MIT's Center for Advanced
+% Visual Studies in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
+% \item 2004-08-27 through 2004-09-01. Werkleitz School of Common
+% Property, Halle Volkspark in Halle, Germany.
+%\item Reviewer for WikiSym.
+%\item Reviewer for ICIS.
+\section{Industry Activity}
+\subsection{Selected Employment Experience}
+\item 2004--2005. Canonical Limited: Founding Team Member, Software Engineer, Community Development Coordinator.
+\item 2003--2004. ParTecs S.R.L. (Startup): Chief Technology Officer. Rome, Italy.
+%\item 2002--2003. System Administrator, University of Massachusetts Dept. of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering.
+%\item 2002. Senior Web Application Developer, Hampshire College Career Options Resource Software.
+%\item 2001. Lead Web Application Developer, Organizers' Collaborative.
+%\item 1999--2003. Assistant to the UNIX System Administrator, Hampshire College.
+%\item 2000. Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School: Technical Consultant.
+%\item 1999. Technical Consultant and Audio Engineer, Mekana Yesus Recording Studio in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia.
+\subsection{Other Activities}
+\item 2007--Present. Wikimedia Foundation: Member, Advisory Board
+\item 2008--Present. Free Software Foundation. Member, Board of Directors.
+\item 2005--Present. Ubuntu Project: Core Developer, Member of Community Council.
+\item 2005--Present. One Laptop Per Child: Member, Advisory Board.
+\item 2000--Present. Debian Project: Developer, Project Leadership Team (2005-2006).
+\item 2005--2008. Software Freedom International: Member, Board of Directors.
+\item 2005--2008. Association for Computing Machinery: Founding Member, Professionals Board.
+\item 2002--2006. Software in the Public Interest: Vice President and Elected Member, Board of Directors.
+\subsection{Technical Books}
+\item 2006--2010. Hill, Benjamin Mako, Matthew Helmke and Corey
+ Burger. The Official Ubuntu Book (Editions published: 2006, 2007,
+ 2008, 2009, 2010). New York: Pearsons. Best-selling Linux book.
+\item 2009. Rankin, Kyle and Benjamin Mako Hill. The Official Ubuntu
+ Server Book. New York: Pearsons.
+\item 2005. Hill, Bernjamin Mako, David B. Harris and Jaldhar
+ Vyas. Debian GNU/Linux 3.x Bible. New York: Wiley.
+\subsection{Magazine Articles, etc.}
+I have published dozens of magazine articles, conference papers, and
+other journalistic and non-academic publications. A list can be found
+at: \url{http://mako.cc/writing/}
+\subsection{Examples of Recent Talks}
+I have given over 100 public talks since 2002. A complete list can be
+found at \url{http://mako.cc/talks}. Recent keynote addresses I have
+given include:
+% \item 2010-03-21. Free Network Services (Panel), The Free Software Foundation's Libre Planet conference at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
+\item 2010-01-17. Antifeatures, Linux Conf Australia 2010 in Wellington, New Zealand. % [Keynote]
+\item 2009-07-22. The State of Wikimedia Scholarship: 2008-2009, Wikimania 2009 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
+% \item 2009-11-20. Antifeatures, Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts.
+% \item 2009-11-18. Antifeatures, NEU ACM Chapter at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts.
+% \item 2009-07-22. With Software as a Service, Is Only the Network Luddite Free? (Panel), O'Reilly OSCON in San Jose, California.
+% \item 2009-07-22. Antifeatures, O'Reilly OSCON in San Jose, California.
+% \item 2009-03-21. Free Network Services, The Free Software Foundation's Libre Planet conference at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
+% \item 2009-01-06. Revealing Errors, Razmajena Vjestina skill-sharing meeting at MAMA in Zagreb, Croatia..
+\item 2008-10-20. Voting Machinery for the Masses. IEEE Boston Section Society on Social Implications of Technology at MIT Lincoln Labs in Lexington, Massachusetts.
+% \item 2008-09-20. Free Software In Your Pocket, Software Freedom Day Boston in Boston, Massachusetts. This talk, delivered with John Sullivan, discussed and shows free software on a variety of mobile devices. This included CHDK, RockBox, and OpenMoko.
+% \item 2008-09-11. Advocating Software Freedom by Revealing Errors, O'Reilly Ignite Boston 4 in Boston, Massachusetts.
+% \item 2008-07-25. Voting Machinery for the Masses, O'Reilly Open Source Convention (OSCON) in Portland, Oregon.
+\item 2008-07-25. Advocating Software Freedom by Revealing Errors. O'Reilly Open Source Convention (OSCON) in Portland, Oregon. % (Keynote)
+% \item 2008-07-19. Creative Commons Panel, Wikimania 2008 at the Bibliotecha Alexandrina in Alexandria, Egypt.
+% \item 2008-07-19. Free Network Services, Wikimania 2008 at the Bibliotecha Alexandrina in Alexandria, Egypt. (Abstract: Link)
+% \item 2008-07-17. Zotero for Wikimaniacs, Wikimania 2008 at the Bibliotecha Alexandrina in Alexandria, Egypt.
+% \item 2008-06-18. Revealing Errors, Boston Linux Unix in Cambridge, MA
+% \item 2008-06-13. Voting Machinery for the Masses, MIT Center for Future Civic Media's Future of Civic Media Conference at MIT in Cambridge, MA.
+% \item 2008-05-29. Voting Machinery for the Masses, O'Reilly's Ignite Boston 3 in Cambridge, MA. (Demo: Link)
+\item 2008-05-05. Advancing a Definition of Free Culture. Sun's Community One conference at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California.
+% \item 2008-05-05. Liberating Network Services, Sun's Community One conference at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California.
+\item 2008-04-20. Revealing Errors. Penguicon in Troy, MI. % [Keynote]
+\item 2008-04-19. Laptop Liberation: One Laptop per Child and Free/Open Source Software. Penguicon in Troy, MI. % [Keynote]
+% \item 2008-04-13. Revealing Errors, LUG Radio Live USA 2008 in the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA.
+% \item 2008-03-15. Liberating Network Services, FSF Associate Members Meeting at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
+% \item 2008-03-12. Laptop Liberation: One Laptop per Child and Free/Open Source Software, Hampshire College in Amherst, MA.
+% \item 2008-03-07. User Innovation in Action. Innovation Lab at MIT Sloan School of Management in Cambridge, MA.
+% \item 2008-01-08. Laptop Liberation: One Laptop per Child and Free/Open Source Software, Nara Institute of Technology (NAIST) in Nara, Japan.
+% \item 2007-12-03. Geek Diagnosis from a Diagnosed Geek, G33koSkop lecture series at MAMA in Zagreb, Croatia.
+% \item 2007-11-26. Cooperation in Parallel: Lessons from Ubuntu and Debian, Kiberpipa in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
+% \item 2007-11-23. Hacker Culture, B92's Cinema Rex in Belgrade, Serbia.
+% \item 2007-11-20. Hacker Culture, CK13 in Novi Sad, Serbia.
+% \item 2007-11-16. Laptop Liberation: One Laptop per Child and Free/Open Source Software, Cornell University Code Review in Ithaca, NY.
+% \item 2007-11-12. Debian Packaging for System Administrators, SIPB Clue Dump at MIT in Cambridge, MA.
+\item 2007-10-09. Free Software and Education. K-12 Open Minds Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. % (Keynote)
+% \item 2007-09-15. Free Software and Radical Non-Discrimination, Software Freedom Day 2007 in Boston, MA.
+%\item 2007-08-05. Resonant Divergence: Collaboration in Diverged Branches, Wikimania 2007 in Taipei, Taiwan.
+% \item 2007-08-03. Freedom's Standard Advanced, Wikimania 2007 in Taipei, Taiwan.
+% \item 2007. Debian Derivatives Round Table 2007-06-22, Debconf 7 in Edinburgh, Scotland.
+% \item 2007-06-21. Debian: A Force To Be Reckoned With, Debconf 7 in Edinburgh, Scotland.
+% \item 2007-06-16. Advancing a Definition of Free Culture, iCommons iSummit in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
+% \item 2007-06-07. Examination of Wiki Process, MIT Innovation Lab meeting at the MIT Faculty Club in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
+% \item 2007-05-26. Freedom Defined, Annual National Meeting of Free Culture student groups at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
+% \item 2007-03-24. Advancing Free Culture, FSF Annual Associate Members Meeting.
+% \item 2007-02-16. Contribute To Ubuntu, Google in New York City for The Ubucon NYC 2007.
+% \item 2007-02-16. Debian/Ubuntu Packaging Essentials, Google in New York City for The Ubucon NYC 2007.
+% \item 2006-09-16. Creative Commons Workshop/Debate, Wizards of OS 4 in Berlin, Germany.
+% \item 2006-08-04. Toward a Definition of Freedom, Wikimedia 2006 held at Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
+% \item 2006-04-28. Information Freedom, MIT's Center for Advanced Visual Studies in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
+% MAYBE \item 2005-10-28. Software, Freedom, and the World Beyond Computer Programs, Darklight Film Festival's annual symposium in Dublin, Ireland.
+% \item 2005-10-19. The Ubuntu Project: Overview and Development Model, Boston Linux Unix meeting at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
+% \item 2005-07-28. To Fork or Not To Fork: Lessons from Ubuntu and Debian, What The Hack near Boxtel in The Netherlands.
+% \item 2005-07-06. To Fork or Not To Fork: Lessons from Ubuntu and Debian, Libre Software Meeting in Dijon, France.
+% \item 2005-07-05. Broadly Defined Freedom: Radical Nondiscrimination in Free Software, Libre Software Meeting in Dijon, France.
+% \item 2005-06-25. To Fork or Not To Fork: Lessons from Ubuntu and Debian, LinuxTag in Karlsruhe, Germany.
+% \item 2005-06-24. Financing Volunteer Free Software Projects, LinuxTag in Karlsruhe, Germany.
+% \item 2005-04-24 to 2005-04-30. Ubuntu Down Under, Sydney, Australia.
+% \item 2005-04-18. Customizing Debian, Linux Conference Australia 2005 held at Australian National University in Canberra, Australia.
+% \item 2005-04-11. Ubuntu Workshop and Q\&A, Northern New Jersey Linux Meet-up in Fort Lee, New Jersey.
+% \item 2005-04-10. Ubuntu and Debian: Balancing Forking and Collaboration, Southern Connecticut Open Source User Group in New Haven, Connecticut.
+% \item 2005-03-17. Ubuntu and Debian: Balancing Forking and Collaboration, Manizales, Colombia.
+% \item 2004-12-14. Customizing Debian, Barcelona at the Grupo de usuarios de Software Libre de Barcelona in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
+% \item 2004-11-27. Ubuntu (A GNU/Linux Operating System): Past Present and Future, Congreso GULEV at the World Trade Center in Veracruz, Mexico.
+% \item 2004-11-17. Customizing Debian: Fork Yours With Debian GNU/Linux, New York Linux User Group in New York City.
+% \item 2004-10-13. Debian and Ubuntu: Philosophy and Technology, New York GNU/Linux Beginners group Gnubies.
+% \item 2004-08-27 through 2004-09-01. Werkleitz School of Common Property, Halle Volkspark in Halle, Germany.
+% \item 2004-06-04. Financing Volunteer Free Software Projects: Problems and Strategies, Fifth International Free Software Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
+% \item 2004-05-30. Software in the Public Interest, Inc. Workshop, Debconf4 in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
+% \item 2004-05-31. Custom Debian Distribution are the Ultimate Last Step to Total World Dominations, Debconf4 in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
+% \item 2004-06-02. Debian-NP and NP Bagunça Review, Debconf4 in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
+% \item 2004-05-26 to 2004-06-02. Debian-NP Bagunça, Debconf4 in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
+% \item 2004-04-27. Introduction to Debian-NP, LinuxClub in Rome, Italy.
+% \item 2004-04-16 - 2004-04-22. Freedom Week (Liberamente - Settimana delle Libertà), Siena, Florence, Milan, Turin, and Rome Italy.
+% \item 2004-04-17. Debian-NP: Free Software in Civil Society, Siena, Italy.
+% \item 2004-04-19. Control, Collaboration and Creativity in Literature, University of Milan in Milan, Italy.
+% \item 2004-04-21. Participatory Collaboration: The Debian Model, University of Turin in Turin, Italy.
+% \item 2004-03-28. Penguin Day, N-TEN's 2004 Nonprofit Technology Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
+% \item 2003-12-09. Information Politics 101, We Seize! in Geneva, Switzerland.
+% \item 2003-12-11. Making Custom Debian Bootable/Live CDs, We Seize! in Geneva, Switzerland.
+% \item 2003-12-11. Debian-NP Launch and Q\&A, We Seize! in Geneva, Switzerland.
+% \item 2003-11-06. Making the Case for Free/Open Source Software in Non-Profit Organizations, NTEN in Boston, Massachusetts.
+% \item 2003-09-09. Digital Standards and the Public Domain: Consequences and Current Strategies for an Independent Public Sphere, Ars Electronica Festival 2003 in Linz, Austria.
+% \item 2003-08-26 through 2003-09-06. Summer Source: Software Camp for NGOs, Vis, Croatia.
+% \item 2003-07-18. Software in the Public Interest, Inc. Workshop, Debconf 3 in Oslo, Norway.
+% \item 2003-07-09. Lessons from Libre Software Political and Ethical Practice, Libre Software Meeting in Metz, France.
+% \item 2003-06-07. Social Networking and Free Software, Planetwork Conference in San Francisco, California.
+% \item 2003-04-16. The Politics and Technology of Control, Herb Bernstein's New Ways of Knowing Class at Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachsetts.
+% \item 2003-05-05. Presentation to Hampshire College School of Cognitive Science, School of Cognitive Science at Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts.