1 \documentclass[10pt,xcolor=dvipsnames]{beamer}
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53 % see: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/232168/normal-text-is-invisible-when-using-beamer-with-notes-and-xelatex
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62 }{\gdef\beamer@noteitems{}%
66 % redfine the notes type to clear things (working around the same bug)
67 % https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/28966/change-beamer-notes-list-type-for-in-frame-notes
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109 \setlength{\centertxtlen}{#1}%
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118 % packages i use in essentially every document
119 \usepackage{graphicx}
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122 % \usepackage{booktabs}
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143 \setlength{\parsep}{1em}
145 \title{Presentation Title}
146 \subtitle{Presentation Subtitle}
147 \author[Benj. Mako Hill]{\textbf{Benjamin Mako Hill}\\
149 \institute[UW/Harvard]{\textbf{University of Washington}\\
150 Department of Communication\\
151 \emph{Assistant Professor}\\
153 \textbf{Harvard University}\\
154 Berkman Klein Center\\
155 \emph{Faculty Associate}}
157 \date{December 2, 1980}
161 % remove some of the space in the itemize to make it quite compact
162 % \let\olditemize\itemize
163 % \renewcommand\itemize{\olditemize\itemsep-1pt}
165 %% SLIDE: Title Slide
169 \tikz{\node at (current page.center) [anchor=center, yshift=-0.5in, xshift=1in]
170 {\includegraphics[width=0.35\textwidth]{figures/logo.pdf}};
173 % include version control stuff
175 \credit{Revision:\ \VCRevision\ (\VCDateTEX)}
178 \section{Introduction}
183 \note{This is an example section page.}
187 \begin{frame}{A sample slide, A sample slide, A sample slide, A sample
188 slide, A sample slide, A sample slide}
193 \int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-x^2} \, dx = \sqrt{\pi}
199 \item<1-> itemized item 1
200 \item<2-> itemized item 2
201 \item<3-> itemized item 3
206 \emph{In a right triangle, the square of hypotenuse equals
207 the sum of squares of two other sides.}
211 \credit{Image credit: Shaw and Hill, 2099.}
212 \note{These are the slide 2 notes.}
216 \frametitle{Short frame title}
218 \e{A first} paragraph.
220 And then \e{a second} paragraph.
223 \subsection{Introductory Subsection}
228 \note{This is an example subsection page.}
233 \begin{frame}[standout]
234 Example and Data Appendix
237 \begin{frame}{A sample slide}
239 \note{These are the slide 4 notes.}
245 % LocalWords: xcolor dvipsnames beamer ugm phv sep pageofpages px
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