wikiq: a simple and fast stream-based MediaWiki XML dump parser authors: Erik Garrison Benjamin Mako Hill overview: wikiq is written in C++ using expat. It is designed to enable researchers to rapidly extract revision histories (minus text and comments) from large XML datasets. use: To use, first make sure you have libexpat and libpcrecpp installed, then: % make % ./wikiq -h # prints usage % 7za e -so hugewikidatadump.xml | ./wikiq >hugewikidatadump.tsv features: In addition to parsing WikiMedia XML data dumps into a tab-separated tabular format, wikiq can match Perl-compatible regular expressions against revision content, can extract article diffs, and can match regexes against the additions and deletions between revisions. Any number of regular expressions may be supplied on the command line, and may be tagged using the '-n' and -N options. MD5 checksums of revisions are used at runtime. output: wikiq generates these fields for each revision: title, articleid, revid, timestamp, anon, editor, editorid, minor, text_length, text_md5, reversion, additions_size, deletions_size .... and additional fields for each regex executed against content or added/deleted diffs Boolean fields are TRUE/FALSE except in the case of reversion, which is blank unless the article is a revert to a previous revision, in which case, it contains the revision ID of the revision which was reverted to.