
If you have received an email with a token inviting you to vote in an ongoing election, you can log in to vote using your token below.

<% form_tag(:controller => 'voter', :action => 'index') do %>

<%= text_field :vote, :password %>

<%= submit_tag "Log In" %>

<% end %>

<%= link_to 'Lost or forgot your token?', :controller => 'voter', :action => 'forgot_password' %>

SMS Interface

For information on accessing Selectricity over email or via SMS/text messages from your mobile phone, email <%= link_to "vote\", "" %> with "help" in the body or read the <%= link_to "Selectricity Anywhere documentation", "selectricity-anywhere.html"%>.

Control Room

<% if session[:user] %> <%= render :partial => 'user_summary' %> <% else %>

You must have an account to start a new vote or to administer an existing vote. You can log in or create a new account below.

<%= render_partial 'basic_login' %> <% end %>


QuickVotes are like polls: unstructured, non-anonymous and without the complex features of Selectricity. They are the quickest way to make a decision or to compare between voting methods.

Recently created QuickVotes include: