
Selectricity is made possible through the generous support of a series of organizations and groups.

The <%= link_to "MIT Media Lab", "" %> funded work on the project during its first year as a research prototype. In particular, the <%= link_to("Electronic Publishing", "") %> research group supported the creation of the <%= link_to("RubyVote", "") %> library while the <%= link_to("Computing Culture", "") %> research group supported the creation of much of Selectricity and an earlier research prototype called HyperChad.

Funding for the current version of the project comes from the <%= link_to("Digital Incubator", "") %> initiative -- a joint effort between <%= link_to("MTV", "") %>/<%= link_to("MTVu", "") %> and <%= link_to("Cisco", "") %>. MTVu has also played an important role in publicizing the project.