Edit Candidates
<% if @election.active == 0 %>
Enter New Candidate
<%= error_messages_for :candidate %> <% form_tag( { :action => :add_candidate, :id => @election.id }, :multipart => true ) do %> <%= render :partial => 'candidate_form' %>

<%= submit_tag "Add Candidate" %>

<% end %>
Current Candidates
<% unless @election.candidates.empty? %> <% @election.candidates.each do |candidate| %> <% @current_candidate = candidate %> <%= render :partial => 'candidate_line_edit' %> <% end %> <% else %>

There are no candidates registered for this election.

<% end %>

When you are done entering candidates, please click the button below to proceed to the next step.

<%= button_to "Proceed to Next Step", :action => 'new_voters', :id => @election %> <% else %>

You can not edit the list of candidates once the election has begun. please return to the <%= link_to "election overview page", :action => 'show', :id => @election.id %>.

<% end %>