<% if @election.enddate < Time.now %>
Election is finished. <%= link_to "View results",
:controller => 'voter', :action => 'index',
:election_id => @election.id %>.
<% elsif (@election.active? && @election.early_results? ) %>
The creator of this election has decided that the results
should be viewable while the election is in progress.
<%if @election.voters.empty? %>
However, no one has voted yet.
<% else %>
<%= link_to "View results", :controller => 'voter', :action => 'results',
:id => "open" %>.
<% end %>
<% elsif @election.active? %>
Vote is in currently in progress. Return to
this page for results on <%= @election.enddate %>.
<% else %>
<%= link_to "Edit General Information",
:action => 'edit_general_information', :id => @election.id %>
<% end %>
<%= h(@election.name) %>
<%= h(@election.description) %>
Additional Information
- Elections will end at <%= @election.enddate
- Elections results <% if
@election.early_results %>will be<% else %>will not be<% end
%> visible while election is in progress.
<% if @election.embeddable %>
- Elections will be embeddable.
<% end %>
<% if @election.kiosk %>
- Selectricity's kiosk mode will be available.
<% end %>
<% if @election.verifiable%>
- Voters will be given tokens to verify their votes.
<% else %>
- Elections will not be voter verifiable.
<% end %>
<% if @election.active? and not @election.authenticated? %>
Link to election:
- <%= (link_to ("Vote in election",
:controller => 'voter', :action => 'index', :election_id => @election.id)).to_s %>
(<%= votepassword_url(:urlpassword => "open." + @election.id.to_s) %>)
<% if @election.kiosk %>
- <%= (link_to ("Kiosk mode",
:controller => 'voter', :action => 'index', :election_id => @election.id, :kiosk => true)).to_s %>
(<%= votepassword_url(:urlpassword => "open." + @election.id.to_s, :kiosk => true) %>)
<% end %>
<% end -%>
<% if not (@election.active? or @election.done?) %>
<%= link_to "Edit Candidates",
:action => 'edit_candidates', :id => @election.id %>
<% end %>
<% if @election.candidates.empty? %>
There are currently no candidates registered.
<%= link_to "Add some!", :action => 'edit_candidates', :id => @election.id %>
<% else %>
<%= render :partial => 'candidate_list' %>
<% end %>
<% if not (@election.active? or @election.done?) %>
<%= link_to "Change Voters/Options",
:action => 'edit_voters', :id => @election.id %>
<% end %>
<% if not @election.authenticated? %>
This election is open the public.
<% elsif @election.voters.empty? %>
There are currently no voters registered.
<%= link_to "Add some!", :action => 'edit_voters',
:id => @election.id %>
<% else %>
<%= render :partial => 'voter_list' %>
<%= link_to "Add or remove voters.", :action => 'edit_voters',
:id => @election.id unless @election.active? or @election.done? %>
<% end %>
<% if not (@election.active? or @election.done?) %>
<% if @election.start_blockers.length > 0 %>
Your vote cannot be started for the following reasons:
<% for reason in @election.start_blockers %>
- <%= reason %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
Please check everything carefully on this page before starting this
vote. Once you begin the vote, you will not be able to add or
change candidates, modify the voting lists, or change the end
When you begin the vote, the following will happen:
- The vote will be "frozen" so that further edits to the
candidate list and voting list cannot occur.
<% if @election.authenticated? %>
- All voters will be emailed notifying them that the vote has
begun and of their unique login token.
<% end %>
<%= button_to 'Start Election!', :action => 'start_election', :id => @election.id %>
<% end %>
<% elsif @election.embeddable? %>
To embed your election, copy and paste the following code into your
<%= h("") %>
<% end %>