Edit Voter List
<% if @election.active == 0 %>

> <% if @election.kiosk? %> Because you have enabled kiosk mode, there will be no registration of voters. <% end %> Anyone will be able to vote in this election.

> <%= render :partial => 'voter_list' %> <% form_tag (:action => 'edit_voters', :id => @election.id) do %> <%= render :partial => 'voters_form' %> <% end %>
<% unless @election.kiosk? %> <%= check_box :election, :authenticated %> Only allow registered voters <% end %> <%= observe_field "election_authenticated", :url => { :action => 'toggle_authenticated', :id => @election.id }, :complete => 'Element.toggle($("voter_info_box")); Element.toggle($("unauth_notice"));', :with => 'authenticated' %>

When you are done entering voters, please click the button below to proceed to the next step.

<%= button_to 'Proceed to Next Step', :action => 'show', :id => @election.id %> <% else %>

You can not edit the list of voters once the election has begun. please return to the <%= link_to "election overview page", :action => 'show', :id => @election.id %>.

<% end %>