Details <%= %>

This page contains information useful for auditing elections and verify that votes were tabulated correctly.

The following invididuals (in random order) voted in this election:

    <%- @voters.each do |voter| -%>
  1. <%= %>
  2. <%- end -%>

The following table lists the votes cast in random order.

The column marked Verification Token lists tokens that were given to voters at the time of voting. Voters can check to see that the vote that corresponds to their token was recorded correctly. The column marks "vote" lists the candidates in order of the voter's preference. To read these votes, please refer to the key below.

<%- @votes.each do |vote| -%> <%- end -%>
Verification Token Vote
<%= vote.token %><%= vote.votestring%>


<%- @election.candidates.sort.each_with_index do |c, i| -%> <%- end -%>
Code Candidate
<%= (i + 65).chr %> <%= %>