= Sitealizer Web Stats plugin for Rails This plugin lets you track visitors, referrers, robots, search terms and more. And it shouldn’t influence your site’s performance because it only saves the basic visitor information (after every 10(default) visits) in a threaded process and all the data processing is done when viewing the stats. == Author Thiago Jackiw:: tjackiw at gmail dot com == Current Release The current stable release is v1.1 released on 03-20-2007. == License Info Please refer to the LICENSE[link:files/LICENSE.html] == Installation On your Rails' root directory, just type script/plugin install http://opensvn.csie.org/sitealizer and add the following line to your config/routes.rb: map.connect '/sitealizer/:action', :controller => 'sitealizer' == Upgrading from SiteMeter If you had previously installed 'sitemeter' you need to run the following command after installing Sitealizer, otherwise your stats will not be imported: rake sitealizer:remove_sitemeter You also need to change: * include SiteMeter TO Include Sitealizer * before_filter :use_site_meter TO before_filter :use_sitealizer * map.connect '/sitemeter/:action', :controller => 'sitemeter' TO map.connect '/sitealizer/:action', :controller => 'sitealizer' == Configuration There are four configuration options that can be changed under sitealizer/lib/config.yml: access_type:: Accepts private or public as the value. Private: you have to enter the username and password below in order to view the stats. Public: Anyone can view your site's stats username:: This username will be used to log in to your Sitealizer password:: This password will be used to log in to your Sitealizer queue_size:: The number of visitors in the queue before saving the stats to the DB. Default is 10. Minimum size shouldn't be under 5 == Usage To track the visitors on your entire application, just edit your ApplicationController(application.rb): class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base include Sitealizer before_filter :use_sitealizer end Or to track specific controllers: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base include Sitealizer end class MyController < ApplicationController before_filter :use_sitealizer end == Viewing the stats To view your stats just add "/sitealizer" to your main url: http://www.example.com/sitealizer == Using Sitealizer? I’d like to include your site on the list below. Please send me an email (tjackiw at gmail dot com) with your site’s url. * www.californiabusinesslist.com * www.nottr.com * www.bacotp.com == Getting help You can always send me an email (tjackiw at gmail dot com) if you have any questions. == Bugs/Patches Please report the bugs you find by opening tickets here[https://opensvn.csie.org/traccgi/sitealizer/newticket] == Special Thanks to: * RubyForge (www.rubyforge.org) == Other plugins by the Author: * acts_as_solr (http://acts-as-solr.rubyforge.org) == Release Information Released under the MIT license.