getServiceInstance('UserService'); $templateservice =& $sf->getServiceInstance('TemplateService'); $tplVars = array(); if ($userservice->isLoggedOn() && sizeof($_FILES) > 0 && $_FILES['userfile']['size'] > 0) { $userinfo = $userservice->getCurrentUser(); if (isset($_POST['status']) && is_numeric($_POST['status'])) { $status = intval($_POST['status']); } else { $status = 2; } $depth = array(); $xml_parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement"); if (!($fp = fopen($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], "r"))) die(T_("Could not open XML input")); while ($data = fread($fp, 4096)) { if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp))) { die(sprintf(T_("XML error: %s at line %d"), xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser))); } } xml_parser_free($xml_parser); header('Location: '. createURL('bookmarks', $userinfo[$userservice->getFieldName('username')])); } else { $templatename = 'importDelicious.tpl'; $tplVars['subtitle'] = T_('Import Bookmarks from'); $tplVars['formaction'] = createURL('import'); $templateservice->loadTemplate($templatename, $tplVars); } function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs) { global $depth, $status, $tplVars, $userservice; $sf = new ServiceFactory(); $bookmarkservice =& $sf->getServiceInstance('BookmarkService'); $cacheservice =& $sf->getServiceInstance('CacheService'); if ($name == 'POST') { while(list($attrTitle, $attrVal) = each($attrs)) { switch ($attrTitle) { case 'HREF': $bAddress = $attrVal; break; case 'DESCRIPTION': $bTitle = $attrVal; break; case 'EXTENDED': $bDescription = $attrVal; break; case 'TIME': $bDatetime = $attrVal; break; case 'PRIVATE': $bStatus = (strcasecmp('yes', $attrVal) == 0) ? 2 : $status ; break; case 'TAG': $tags = strtolower($attrVal); break; } } if ($bookmarkservice->bookmarkExists($bAddress, $userservice->getCurrentUserId())) { $tplVars['error'] = T_('You have already submitted this bookmark.'); } else { // Strangely, PHP can't work out full ISO 8601 dates, so we have to chop off the Z. $bDatetime = substr($bDatetime, 0, -1); // If bookmark claims to be from the future, set it to be now instead if (strtotime($bDatetime) > time()) { $bDatetime = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } if ($bookmarkservice->addBookmark($bAddress, $bTitle, $bDescription, $bStatus, $tags, $bDatetime, true, true)) $tplVars['msg'] = T_('Bookmark imported.'); else $tplVars['error'] = T_('There was an error saving your bookmark. Please try again or contact the administrator.'); } } $depth[$parser]++; } function endElement($parser, $name) { global $depth; $depth[$parser]--; } ?>