Results for week beginning ${week_start.strftime("%F")}

People who posted

% for u in sorted(good, key=lambda u:u.username):
% endfor

People who failed to post

% if punt:

People punted for excessive outstanding balances:

% endif % if skip:

People who have not yet started

% endif

Beer pool:

This week: $${5 * len(lame)}
Total: $${pool}
Paid: $${paid}


<% i = 0 %> % for (u, v) in sorted(debts, key=lambda p:p[1], reverse=True): % if i % 3 == 0: \ % endif <% i += 1 %>\ \ % if i % 3 == 0: %endif % endfor % if i % 3 != 0: %endif
${u} $${v}