From 2ae4afc45e5a8ce98ba1fed451328a21c3f8d321 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kieran Healy Date: Sat, 3 Oct 2009 19:33:05 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] beginning from present vita file. --- kjh-vita.tex | 559 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 559 insertions(+) create mode 100644 kjh-vita.tex diff --git a/kjh-vita.tex b/kjh-vita.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e26331 --- /dev/null +++ b/kjh-vita.tex @@ -0,0 +1,559 @@ +%%% Kieran's Vita. 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Associate Professor in Sociology and the Kenan Institute for Ethics. + +\ind 2008--2009. Visiting Associate Professor of Sociology. + +\medskip +\noindent\emph{University of Arizona \vspace{0.01in}} + +\ind 2008. Associate Professor of Sociology. + +\ind 2001--2008. Assistant Professor of Sociology. + +\medskip + +\noindent\emph{Australian National University \vspace{0.01in}} + +\ind 2003--2006. Research Fellow, Social and Political Theory Program, +Research School of Social Sciences. + +\bigskip + +%% Education + +\marginpar{\textsf{{\footnotesize\vspace{-1em}\flushright Education}}} + +\noindent\emph{Princeton University \vspace{0.01in}} + +\ind 2001. Ph.D, Sociology. % Dissertation: \emph{Exchange in Blood and +% Organs}. %\vspace{-0.1in} + +% \begin{itemize} +% \item \small Winner of the American Sociological Association's Dissertation +% Award for 2002. +% \end{itemize} + + +\ind 1998. M.A., Sociology. (General Examinations with Distinction.) + + +\medskip +\noindent\emph{National University of Ireland (Cork)\vspace{0.02in}} + +\ind 1994. M.A., Sociology. (First Class Honors.) \vspace{0.01in} + + +\ind 1993. B.A., Sociology and Geography. (Joint First Class Honors.) + +\bigskip + +%% Publications +\marginpar{\textsf{{\footnotesize\vspace{-0.7em}\flushright Publications}}} +\medskip +\noindent\emph{Book \vspace{0.01in}} + +\ind Kieran Healy. 2006. \emph{\href{}{Last Best Gifts: Altruism and the Market for Human Blood and Organs}}. Chicago:~University of Chicago Press. \vspace{-0.075in} + +% \begin{itemize} +% \item \small Honorable Mention, American Sociological Association Section on Economic Sociology, Zelizer Distinguished Scholarship Award, 2008. +% \item \small Winner, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, Outstanding Book Award, 2007. +% \item \small Finalist, Society for the Study of Social Problems, C. Wright Mills Award, 2006. +% % \item \small Reviews: \href{}{\emph{American Journal of Sociology}} (Greta Krippner), \href{}{\emph{American Journal of Transplantation}} (Ben Hippen), \emph{Social Forces} (Jane Allyn Piliavin), \href{}{\emph{The New York Times}} (Virginia Postrel), \href{}{\emph{Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly}} (E. Gil Clary), \href{}{\emph{Socio-Economic Review}} (Philippe Steiner), \emph{Le Mouvement Social} (Sophie Chauveau), \href{}{\emph{Australian Review of Public Affairs}} (Catherine Waldby), \href{}{\emph{EES Newsletter}} (Rene Almeling), \href{}{\emph{Medical Anthropology Quarterly}} (Lesley Sharp), \href{}{\emph{Sociologie du Travail}} (Philippe Steiner). +% \end{itemize} + +\normalsize + +\bigskip +\noindent\emph{Journal articles \vspace{0.05in}} + +%% Use revnumerate environment if numbered publications are needed. +%% \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\textsc{a}\theenumi.} +%% \begin{revnumerate} + +\ind Marion Fourcade and Kieran Healy. 2007. ``\href{}{Moral Views of Market Society}.'' \emph{Annual Review of Sociology} 33:~285--311. + +\ind Kieran Healy. 2006. ``\href{}{Do Presumed Consent Laws Raise Organ Procurement Rates?}'' \emph{DePaul Law Review} 55:~1017--1043. + +\ind Kieran Healy. 2004. ``\href{}{Altruism as an Organizational Problem: The Case of Organ Procurement}.'' + \emph{American Sociological Review} 69:~387--404. + +\ind Kieran Healy. 2002. ``\href{}{Digital Technology and Cultural Goods}.'' \emph{Journal of + Political Philosophy} 10:~478--500. + +\ind Kieran Healy. 2002. ``\href{}{What's New for Culture in the New Economy?}'' \emph{Journal + of Arts Management, Law and Society} 32:~86--103. + + +\ind Kieran Healy. 2000. ``\href{}{Embedded Altruism: Blood Collection Regimes and the European + Union's Donor Population}.'' \emph{American Journal of Sociology} 105:~1633--\,1657. + + +\ind Kieran Healy. 1999. ``\href{}{The Emergence of \textsc{hiv} in the U.S. Blood Supply: Organizations, + Obligations and the Management of Uncertainty}.'' \emph{Theory and Society} 28:~529--558. + + +\ind Bruce Western and Kieran Healy. 1999. ``\href{}{Explaining the OECD Wage Slowdown: +Recession or Labor Decline?}'' \emph{European Sociological Review} +15:~233--249. + + +\ind Kieran Healy. 1998. ``\href{}{Conceptualising Constraint: Mouzelis, Archer and the concept of + social structure}.'' \emph{Sociology} 32:~509--522. + +%\end{revnumerate} +%\newpage +\bigskip + +\noindent\emph{Book chapters \vspace{0.05in}} +% \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\textsc{c}\theenumi.} +% \begin{revnumerate} + +\ind Kieran Healy. Forthcoming. ``Social Structure, Gifts and Norms in \emph{The Story of Qiu Ju},'' in \emph{Norms and Values: The Role of Social Norms as Instruments of Value Realisation}, edited by Michael Baurmann, Geoffrey Brennan, Robert E. Goodin and Nicholas Southwood. Baden Baden: Nomos Verlag. + +\ind Kieran Healy. 2008. ``Lo Scambio di Doni,'' in \emph{L'Altro in Me: Dono del Sangue fra Culture, Pratiche e Identità}, edited by Annamaria Fantauzzi. Milano: \textsc{avis} Nazionale, 36--42. + +\ind Kieran Healy. 2007. ``Sociology,'' in \emph{A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy} (Second Edition), edited by Robert E. Goodin, Philip Pettit and Thomas Pogge. New York: Blackwell, 90--122. + +\ind Kieran Healy. 2004. ``Sacred Markets and Secular Ritual in the Organ Transplant +Industry,'' in \emph{The Sociology of the Economy}, edited by Frank Dobbin. New +York: Russell Sage, 336--359. + +\ind Bruce Western and Kieran Healy. 2001. ``Wage Growth and Labor Decline in the +Industrialized Democracies, 1965--1993,'' in \emph{Unemployment in the New + Europe}, edited by Nancy Bermeo. New York: Cambridge University Press, +121--144. + + \ind Kieran Healy. 1998. ``The New Institutionalism and Irish Social Policy,'' in +\emph{Social Policy in Ireland: Principles, Practice and Problems}, edited by +Se\'{a}n Healy and Brigid Reynolds. Dublin: Oak Tree Press, 59--83. + +%\end{revnumerate} + +\bigskip + +%\newpage +\noindent\emph{Reviews and other occasional writing \vspace{0.05in}} + +%\renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\textsc{r}\theenumi.} +%\begin{revnumerate} +\ind Kieran Healy. 2009. \href{}{Review} of \emph{Pop Finance} by Brooke Harrington. \emph{American Journal of Sociology} 115:~309--12. + +\ind Kieran Healy. 2007. ``\href{}{A Wealth of Notions}.'' Review +Essay on \emph{Freakonomics} by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner. \emph{Sociological Forum} 22:~119--125. + +\ind Kieran Healy. 2006. ``Sacred.'' In \emph{International Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology}, edited by Jens Beckert and Milan Zafirovski. London: Routledge, 588--589. + +\ind Kieran Healy. 2005. \href{}{Review} of \emph{Heat Wave} by Eric Klinenberg. \emph{Imprints} 8:~283--289. + +\ind Kieran Healy. 2005. \href{}{Review} of \emph{An R and S-PLUS Companion to Applied Regression}, by John Fox. \emph{Sociological Methods and Research} 34:~137--140. + +\ind Kieran Healy. 2005. ``\href{}{After the Ball was Over}.'' Review of \emph{After the New + Economy} by Doug Henwood. \emph{European Economic Sociology Newsletter} 6 (3):~37--38. + +\ind Kieran Healy. 2004. ``The Abundance of the Heart.'' Review of \emph{A Man After His Own Heart} by Charles +Siebert. \emph{Australian Review of Public Affairs}, October. Reprinted in the +\emph{Australian Financial Review}, October 22nd. + +\ind Kieran Healy. 2003. \href{}{Review} of \emph{Against Essentialism} by Stephan Fuchs. +\emph{Contemporary Sociology} 32:~252--254. + +\ind Kieran Healy. 2001. Review of \emph{Market Society} by Don Slater and Fran Tonkiss. \emph{European + Economic Sociology Newsletter} 3 (1):~31--32. + + +\ind Kieran Healy. 1999. \href{}{Review} of \emph{Comparative Politics} by Mark Irving Lichbach and Alan S. +Zuckerman. \emph{Contemporary Sociology} 28:~210--211. + + +\ind Kieran Healy. 1998. \href{}{Review} of \emph{Theory and Progress in Social Science} by James Rule. \emph{Theory + and Society}, 27:~435--441. + +% %\end{revnumerate} + \bigskip + +%% Presentations +\marginpar{\textsf{{\footnotesize\vspace{-0.6em}\flushright Invited Talks \newline (Since 2004)}}} +\medskip + +\ind 2009. ``Specialization and Status in Philosophy.'' University of Chicago, Booth School of Business. May. + +\ind 2009. ``Specialization and Status in Philosophy.'' University of California, Berkeley. April. + +\ind 2009. ``Specialization and Status in Philosophy.'' University of Michigan, \textsc{icos}. April. + +\ind 2009. ``Specialization and Status in Philosophy.'' Columbia University. February. + +\ind 2009. ``The Performativity of Networks.'' Yale University. January. + +\ind 2008. ``The Performativity of Networks.'' Stanford University Graduate School of Business. October. + +\ind 2008. ``The Performativity of Networks.'' Harvard/MIT Joint Seminar in Economic Sociology. March. + +\ind 2007. ``Specialization and Status in Philosophy.'' University of Notre Dame. November. + +\ind 2007. ``Last Best Gifts: Altruism and the Market for Human Blood and Organs.'' Center for History, Society and Culure, University of California at Davis. November. + +\ind 2007. ``Gift Fetishism and the Market for Human Organs.'' Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona. February. + +\ind 2007. ``Presumed Consent Law and Organ Procurement.'' Rogers Program on Law and Society, University of Arizona. January. + +\ind 2006. ``The Political Economy of Presumed Consent.'' Institute for Global +and International Studies, George Washington University. March. + +\ind 2005. ``Last Best Gifts: Altruism and the Market for Human Organs.'' +Columbia University School of Business. November. + +\ind 2005. ``The Political Economy of Presumed Consent.'' University of California, Los Angeles. May. + +\ind 2005. ``Last Best Gifts: Altruism and the Market for Human Organs.'' +University of California, Berkeley. April. + +\ind 2005. ``Cadaveric Organ Procurement and Presumed Consent Laws.'' DePaul +Law Review \& Health Law Institute Symposium on \emph{Precious Commodities: The +Supply and Demand of Body Parts}. Chicago. March. + +\ind 2005. ``Last Best Gifts: Altruism and the Market for Human +Organs.'' University of Washington. February. + +\ind 2004. ``The Institutional Context of Organ Procurement.'' Indiana +University--Purdue University, Indianapolis. November. + +\ind 2004. ``The Political Economy of Presumed Consent.'' \textsc{spt} Program, +Australian National University, \textsc{rsss}. July. + +\ind 2004. ``Organ Procurement in the United States.'' National University of +Ireland at Maynooth. April. + +% \ind 2002. ``Creativity and the Creative Industries.'' Center for Arts and +% Culture, Washington DC. December. +% +% \ind 2002. ``Altruism as an Organizational Problem: The case of organ +% procurement.'' Northwestern University. +% November. +% +% \ind 2002. ``Sacred Markets and Secular Ritual in the Organ Transplant +% Industry.'' University of California at San Diego. November. +% +% +% \ind 2002. ``The Ecology of Open Source Software Development.'' Department of +% Sociology, University of Arizona. August. +% +% \ind 2002. ``What's New for Culture in the New Economy?'' Sixth +% annual Summer Cultural Policy Meetings, New York. July. +% +% +% \ind 2002. ``Sacred Markets and Secular Ritual in the Organ Transplant Industry.'' +% Princeton Economic Sociology Conference, Princeton. February. +% +% +% \ind 2001. ``Altruism as a Resource-extraction Problem.'' Rational Choice +% Section Miniconference, annual meetings of the American Sociological +% Association, Anaheim. August. +% +% +% +% \ind 2001. ``Culture and Technology.'' Keynote Address, Fifth Annual Summer Cultural +% Policy Meeting, Little Switzerland NC. June. +% +% +% +% \ind 2000. ``Media Discourse on Organ Transplantation, 1980-2000.'' New York +% University Graduate Student Sociology Conference. March. +% +% +% +% \ind 2000. ``Industrializing Altruism: The U.S. Organ Transplant Industry, +% 1978-1998.'' Princeton \textsc{joie} Workshop on Organizations, Institutions +% and Economic Sociology. March. +% +% +% +% \ind 1999. Discussant, regular session on Democratic Transitions, annual +% meetings of the American Sociological Association, Chicago. August. +%\end{revnumerate} + +\bigskip + +%\newpage + +\marginpar{\textsf{{\footnotesize\vspace{-0.6em}\flushright Conference \newline Presentations \newline (Since 2004)}}} +\medskip + +\ind 2008. Invited speaker, ASA Culture Section 20th Anniversary Symposium, ``Culture and Economy,'' Boston, August. + +\ind 2008. Invited discussant, conference on Norms and Values, ZiF center, University of Bielefeld, Germany. May. + +\ind 2007. ``Economic Categories and the Claims of Neoliberal Society.'' Invited Session on Culture and Markets. Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, New York. August. + +\ind 2007. ``The Performativity of Networks.'' Special Session on Money in Movement: Markets, Circuits and Networks. Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, New York. August. + +\ind 2007. Presider, Regular Session on the Sociology of Knowledge. Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, New York. August. + +\ind 2007. Discussant, Book Panel on Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner's \emph{Freakonomics}. Annual Meetings of the Eastern Sociological Society, Philadelphia. March. + +\ind 2006. ``The Political Economy of Presumed Consent.'' Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Montreal. August. + +\ind 2006. ``Specialization and Status in Philosophy.'' Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Montreal. August. + +\ind 2006. Discussant, Invited Session on Public Sociology. Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Montreal. August. + +\ind 2004. Discussant, Regular Session on the Political Economy of the World System. Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco. August. + +%\begin{revnumerate} \ind 2003. Discussant, Regular Session on Internet and Culture. Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta. August. + +% \ind 2003. ``The Ecology of Open Source Software.'' Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta. August. + + + +% \ind 2002. ``Altruism as an Organizational Problem: The case of organ +% procurement.'' Annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, +% Chicago. August. +% +% +% +% \ind 2001. ``Cultural Accounts of Organ Donation.'' Annual meetings of the +% Eastern Sociological Society, Philadelphia. March. +% +% +% +% \ind 1998. ``Three Ways to Tap a Vein: Blood Collection Regimes and the +% European Union's Donor Population.'' Annual meetings of the American +% Sociological Association, San Francisco, August. +% +% \ind 1997. ``Three Ways to Tap a Vein: Blood Collection Regimes and the European +% Union's Donor Population.'' Princeton--Rutgers Conference on the Sociology +% of Culture. +% +% \ind 1998. ``Explaining the \textsc{oecd} Wage Slowdown: Recession or +% Labor Decline?'' With Bruce Western. Annual meetings of the American +% Sociological Association, San Francisco. August. +% +% +% +% \ind 1997. ``Wage Growth and Labor Decline in the Advanced Capitalist +% Countries, 1965--1993.'' With Bruce Western. Presented at ``Unemployment's +% Effects: the Southern European Experience in Comparative Perspective,'' +% Southern European Research Group conference held at Princeton University, +% November. +% +% +% +% \ind 1997. ``The Organization of Obligation: Markets, Risk and the Blood +% Supply.'' Annual meetings of the Eastern Sociological Assocation, Baltimore. +% April. +% +% % \medskip +% +% % 1994. \emph{The Language of Influence: Public Debate and the Poliøtics of +% % the X--Case}. M.A. Thesis, University College Cork, Ireland, October. +% +% +% +% \ind 1994. ``Looking After Your Own: Youth Defence and Abortion.'' Annual +% Meetings of the Irish Sociological Association, Derry. March. +%\end{revnumerate} +% \newpage + +\bigskip + +\marginpar{\textsf{{\footnotesize\vspace{-0.6em}\flushright Grants and \newline Awards}}} +\medskip + +\ind 2008. Honorable Mention, American Sociological Association Section on Economic Sociology, Zelizer Distinguished Scholarship Award. + +\ind 2008-09. Residential Fellowship, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University. + +\ind 2007. Winner, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (\textsc{arnova}) Outstanding Book Prize. + +\ind 2007. Finalist, Society for the Study of Social Problems (\textsc{sssp}), C. Wright Mills Award. + +\ind 2006. Rogers Program in Law and Society, Faculty Research Award +(\$3,000), University of Arizona. + +\ind 2006. Participant, Summer Institute on \emph{Economy and Society: Trajectories of Capitalism}, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (July--August). + +\ind 2003. University of Arizona \textsc{sbsri}/Center for Applied Spatial +Analysis. Geographical Information Systems Research Assistance +Program Award. ``The Geography of Organ Procurement.'' + +\ind 2002. American Sociological Association Dissertation Award. + +\ind 2002. University of Arizona Prop.\,301 Information Technology/Information Science Fund. ``Understanding Open-Source Software Development: Network organizations, innovation and volunteering'' (\$19,500). + +\ind 2000. National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Award (\$7,500). + +\ind 1998--2000. Graduate Fellow, Fellowship of Woodrow Wilson Scholars. Prize fellowship. + +\ind 1998--1999. Noah Cotsen Junior Teaching Fellowship, Princeton University. Prize fellowship. + +\ind 1998. Prize Paper, Princeton University Department of Sociology Working Paper Series. + +\ind 1998. General Examinations with Distinction, Princeton University. + +\ind 1995--1998. Graduate Fellowship, Princeton University. + +\ind 1993--1994. Title of College Scholar, University College, Cork. + +\ind 1991--1993. College Undergraduate Scholarship, University +College, Cork. + +% \bigskip + +% \noindent\hrulefill + +% \noindent\textsf{{Courses Taught}} + +% \ind Sociology of Culture. Graduate seminar. (Fall 2004.) + +% \ind Economic Sociology. Graduate seminar. (Fall 2002.) + +% \ind Sources of Sociological Theory. Upper-level undergraduate course. (Fall +% 2001, Twice; Spring 2002, Twice; Fall 2002; Fall 2004; Fall 2005, Twice.) + +\bigskip + +\newpage + +\marginpar{\textsf{{\footnotesize\flushright Service to the \newline Profession}}} +\medskip + +\medskip + +\ind Consulting Editor (2009--11), \emph{American Journal of Sociology}. + +\ind Editorial Board Member (2008--10), \emph{Contexts}. + +\ind Prize Committee, American Sociological Association Section on Economic Sociology, Ronald Burt Prize Paper Award (2007--08). + +\ind Elected Council Member, American Sociological Association Section on Economic +Sociology (2008--2010). + +\ind Co-ordinator of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics' research network on Socio-Economic Theory (2006--2008). + +\ind Editorial Board Member (2007--2009), \emph{Socio-Economic Review}. + +\ind Session organizer, Regular Session on Voluntary and Non-Profit organizations, American Sociological Association Meetings, Philadelphia, August 2005. + +\ind Co-Editor (with Alexandra Kalev), \emph{Accounts}, Newsletter of the American Sociological Association Section on Economic Sociology (2003--2004 and 2004--2005). + +\ind Prize committee, American Sociological Association Theory Section, Graduate Student Paper Award (2003--2004). + +\ind Reviewer, National Science Foundation, \emph{American + Sociological Review}, \emph{American Journal of Sociology}, +\emph{American Journal of Transplantation}, \emph{Administrative + Science Quarterly}, \emph{Bioethics}, \emph{Contexts}, \emph{The Information + Society}, \emph{Journal of Health Economics}, \emph{Journal of Political Philosophy}, \emph{Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion}, \emph{Social Networks}, \emph{Socio-Economic Review}, \emph{Sociological Forum}, \emph{Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers}, \emph{Social Science \& Medicine}, \emph{Theory and Society}, Cambridge University Press, University of Chicago Press, Duke University Press, Oxford University Press, Polity Press, Sage Publications/Pine Forge Press. + +\end{document} -- 2.30.2