X-Git-Url: https://projects.mako.cc/source/bmh-cv/blobdiff_plain/121384d7dbca1c0edda5d9563b798ab1f90f9fc8..4319396336f3b922b210e79d07fa121dabff8855:/kjh-vita.tex?ds=inline diff --git a/kjh-vita.tex b/kjh-vita.tex index 1aa70bd..d4a97cd 100644 --- a/kjh-vita.tex +++ b/kjh-vita.tex @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -%%% A template to produce a nice-looking Curriculm Vitae. +%%% A template to produce a nice-looking Curriculum Vitae. %%% Kieran Healy %%% Most recent version is at http://kjhealy.github.com/kjh-vita %%% @@ -18,8 +18,17 @@ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% git %%% vc.sty +%%% revnumerate.sty %%% Fonts %%% +%%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +%%% Note +%%%------------------------------------------------------------------------ +%%% Because this is a hand-tweaked file, be on the look out for \medksip, +%%% \bigskip and \newpage commands here and there, which are used to balance +%%% the layout or avoid widows & orphans, etc. You should of course add or +%%% remove these as needed. +%%%------------------------------------------------------------------------ \documentclass[11pt]{article} @@ -55,7 +64,7 @@ %%% Git version tracking %%%------------------------------------------------------------------------ -%% If you don't use git or the vc package, comment this out. +%% If you don't use git or the vc package (from CTAN), comment this out. %% If you comment it out, be sure to remove the \rfoot comment below, too. \input{vc} @@ -63,6 +72,7 @@ %%% Required style files %%%------------------------------------------------------------------------ \usepackage{url,fancyhdr} +\usepackage{revnumerate} % for reverse-numbered publications if needed. %% needed for xelatex to work \usepackage{fontspec} @@ -103,7 +113,11 @@ %%% Local commands %%%------------------------------------------------------------------------ -%% marginal header +%% Marginal header +%% Note: as the document goes on you may need to introduce a (gradually increasing) +%% \vspace element to keep the marginal header pleasingly aligned with the first +%% item in the body text. Like this: \marginhead{{\vskip 0.4em}Grants}, or +%% \marginhead{{\vskip 0.8em}Service}. Experiment as needed. \newcommand{\marginhead}[1]{\marginpar{\textsf{{\footnotesize\vspace{-1em}\flushright #1}}}} @@ -219,20 +233,14 @@ Research School of Social Sciences. \noindent\emph{Book \vspace{0.01in}} \ind Kieran Healy. 2006. \emph{\href{http://www.lastbestgifts.com}{Last Best Gifts: Altruism and the Market for Human Blood and Organs}}. Chicago:~University of Chicago Press. \vspace{-0.075in} - -% \begin{itemize} -% \item \small Honorable Mention, American Sociological Association Section on Economic Sociology, Zelizer Distinguished Scholarship Award, 2008. -% \item \small Winner, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, Outstanding Book Award, 2007. -% \item \small Finalist, Society for the Study of Social Problems, C. Wright Mills Award, 2006. -% % \item \small Reviews: \href{http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/pdf/10.1086/522391}{\emph{American Journal of Sociology}} (Greta Krippner), \href{http://www.kieranhealy.org/files/misc/hippenajot.pdf}{\emph{American Journal of Transplantation}} (Ben Hippen), \emph{Social Forces} (Jane Allyn Piliavin), \href{http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/28/books/review/Postrel.t.html?ex=157680000&en=f390b3396e0ec28a&ei=5124&partner=permalink&exprod=permalink}{\emph{The New York Times}} (Virginia Postrel), \href{http://nvs.sagepub.com/cgi/rapidpdf/0899764008319689v1}{\emph{Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly}} (E. Gil Clary), \href{http://ser.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/6/2/365}{\emph{Socio-Economic Review}} (Philippe Steiner), \emph{Le Mouvement Social} (Sophie Chauveau), \href{http://www.australianreview.net/digest/2007/06/waldby.html}{\emph{Australian Review of Public Affairs}} (Catherine Waldby), \href{http://econsoc.mpifg.de/archive/econ_soc_08-1.pdf}{\emph{EES Newsletter}} (Rene Almeling), \href{http://www.anthrosource.net/doi/pdfplus/10.1111/j.1548-1387.2008.00006_3.x}{\emph{Medical Anthropology Quarterly}} (Lesley Sharp), \href{http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6VR1-4RTCPT9-B&_user=56761&_coverDate=03%2F31%2F2008&_alid=760447016&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_cdi=6221&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_ct=1&_acct=C000059541&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=56761&md5=4e61d07203022b07cbdc0d671747f7b3}{\emph{Sociologie du Travail}} (Philippe Steiner). -% \end{itemize} - + \normalsize \bigskip \noindent\emph{Journal articles \vspace{0.05in}} -%% Use revnumerate environment if numbered publications are needed. +%% Use revnumerate environment if numbered publications are needed. +%% (Include it above in the preamble). %% \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\textsc{a}\theenumi.} %% \begin{revnumerate} @@ -390,52 +398,7 @@ Australian National University, \textsc{rsss}. July. \ind 2004. ``Organ Procurement in the United States.'' National University of Ireland at Maynooth. April. -% \ind 2002. ``Creativity and the Creative Industries.'' Center for Arts and -% Culture, Washington DC. December. -% -% \ind 2002. ``Altruism as an Organizational Problem: The case of organ -% procurement.'' Northwestern University. -% November. -% -% \ind 2002. ``Sacred Markets and Secular Ritual in the Organ Transplant -% Industry.'' University of California at San Diego. November. -% -% -% \ind 2002. ``The Ecology of Open Source Software Development.'' Department of -% Sociology, University of Arizona. August. -% -% \ind 2002. ``What's New for Culture in the New Economy?'' Sixth -% annual Summer Cultural Policy Meetings, New York. July. -% -% -% \ind 2002. ``Sacred Markets and Secular Ritual in the Organ Transplant Industry.'' -% Princeton Economic Sociology Conference, Princeton. February. -% -% -% \ind 2001. ``Altruism as a Resource-extraction Problem.'' Rational Choice -% Section Miniconference, annual meetings of the American Sociological -% Association, Anaheim. August. -% -% -% -% \ind 2001. ``Culture and Technology.'' Keynote Address, Fifth Annual Summer Cultural -% Policy Meeting, Little Switzerland NC. June. -% -% -% -% \ind 2000. ``Media Discourse on Organ Transplantation, 1980-2000.'' New York -% University Graduate Student Sociology Conference. March. -% -% -% -% \ind 2000. ``Industrializing Altruism: The U.S. Organ Transplant Industry, -% 1978-1998.'' Princeton \textsc{joie} Workshop on Organizations, Institutions -% and Economic Sociology. March. -% -% -% -% \ind 1999. Discussant, regular session on Democratic Transitions, annual -% meetings of the American Sociological Association, Chicago. August. + %\end{revnumerate} \bigskip @@ -465,60 +428,6 @@ Ireland at Maynooth. April. \ind 2004. Discussant, Regular Session on the Political Economy of the World System. Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco. August. -%\begin{revnumerate} \ind 2003. Discussant, Regular Session on Internet and Culture. Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta. August. - -% \ind 2003. ``The Ecology of Open Source Software.'' Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta. August. - - - -% \ind 2002. ``Altruism as an Organizational Problem: The case of organ -% procurement.'' Annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, -% Chicago. August. -% -% -% -% \ind 2001. ``Cultural Accounts of Organ Donation.'' Annual meetings of the -% Eastern Sociological Society, Philadelphia. March. -% -% -% -% \ind 1998. ``Three Ways to Tap a Vein: Blood Collection Regimes and the -% European Union's Donor Population.'' Annual meetings of the American -% Sociological Association, San Francisco, August. -% -% \ind 1997. ``Three Ways to Tap a Vein: Blood Collection Regimes and the European -% Union's Donor Population.'' Princeton--Rutgers Conference on the Sociology -% of Culture. -% -% \ind 1998. ``Explaining the \textsc{oecd} Wage Slowdown: Recession or -% Labor Decline?'' With Bruce Western. Annual meetings of the American -% Sociological Association, San Francisco. August. -% -% -% -% \ind 1997. ``Wage Growth and Labor Decline in the Advanced Capitalist -% Countries, 1965--1993.'' With Bruce Western. Presented at ``Unemployment's -% Effects: the Southern European Experience in Comparative Perspective,'' -% Southern European Research Group conference held at Princeton University, -% November. -% -% -% -% \ind 1997. ``The Organization of Obligation: Markets, Risk and the Blood -% Supply.'' Annual meetings of the Eastern Sociological Assocation, Baltimore. -% April. -% -% % \medskip -% -% % 1994. \emph{The Language of Influence: Public Debate and the Poliøtics of -% % the X--Case}. M.A. Thesis, University College Cork, Ireland, October. -% -% -% -% \ind 1994. ``Looking After Your Own: Youth Defence and Abortion.'' Annual -% Meetings of the Irish Sociological Association, Derry. March. -%\end{revnumerate} -% \newpage \bigskip @@ -563,18 +472,6 @@ Program Award. ``The Geography of Organ Procurement.'' \ind 1991--1993. College Undergraduate Scholarship, University College, Cork. -% \bigskip - -% \noindent\hrulefill - -% \noindent\textsf{{Courses Taught}} - -% \ind Sociology of Culture. Graduate seminar. (Fall 2004.) - -% \ind Economic Sociology. Graduate seminar. (Fall 2002.) - -% \ind Sources of Sociological Theory. Upper-level undergraduate course. (Fall -% 2001, Twice; Spring 2002, Twice; Fall 2002; Fall 2004; Fall 2005, Twice.) \bigskip