#!/bin/sh # Helper script to export LaTeX templates for new documents # Copyright (c) 2009-2022 Benjamin Mako Hill # Released under the GPLv3 or later. SOURCEDIR="$HOME/tex/beamer-mako" CURDIR=`pwd` if test $1 then cd $SOURCEDIR git checkout-index -f --prefix=$CURDIR/$1/ $(find template -not -type d) cd $CURDIR # get rid of paper_template subdir mv $1/template/* $1 mv $1/template/.gitignore $1 rm -rf $CURDIR/$1/template mv $1/example.tex $1/$1.tex # create a symlink farm for the fonts # rm -rf "./fonts/*" cd $1 rm -rf ./fonts/* # first created the directories for fontdir in "${SOURCEDIR}/template/fonts/"*; do mkdir "./fonts/$(basename "${fontdir}")" # then the files for fontfile in "${fontdir}/"*; do ln -s "${fontfile}" "./fonts/$(basename "${fontdir}")/$(basename "${fontfile}")" done; done; cd $CURDIR else echo "specifiy a directory where the template should go"; fi