updated gitignore to ignore xdv
[beamer-mako] / template / pgfplotsthemetol.sty
1 %%
2 %% This is file `pgfplotsthemetol.sty',
3 %% generated with the docstrip utility.
4 %%
5 %% The original source files were:
6 %%
7 %% pgfplotsthemetol.dtx  (with options: `package')
8 %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 %% Copyright 2015 Matthias Vogelgesang and the LaTeX community. A full list of
10 %% contributors can be found at
11 %% 
12 %%     https://github.com/matze/mtheme/graphs/contributors
13 %% 
14 %% and the original template was based on the HSRM theme by Benjamin Weiss.
15 %% 
16 %% This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
17 %% International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).
18 %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}
20 \ProvidesPackage{pgfplotsthemetol}
21     [2017/01/23 PGFplots colors based on Paul Tol's SRON technical note]
22 \definecolor{TolDarkPurple}{HTML}{332288}
23 \definecolor{TolDarkBlue}{HTML}{6699CC}
24 \definecolor{TolLightBlue}{HTML}{88CCEE}
25 \definecolor{TolLightGreen}{HTML}{44AA99}
26 \definecolor{TolDarkGreen}{HTML}{117733}
27 \definecolor{TolDarkBrown}{HTML}{999933}
28 \definecolor{TolLightBrown}{HTML}{DDCC77}
29 \definecolor{TolDarkRed}{HTML}{661100}
30 \definecolor{TolLightRed}{HTML}{CC6677}
31 \definecolor{TolLightPink}{HTML}{AA4466}
32 \definecolor{TolDarkPink}{HTML}{882255}
33 \definecolor{TolLightPurple}{HTML}{AA4499}
34 \pgfplotscreateplotcyclelist{mbarplot cycle}{%
35   {draw=TolDarkBlue,    fill=TolDarkBlue!70},
36   {draw=TolLightBrown,  fill=TolLightBrown!70},
37   {draw=TolLightGreen,  fill=TolLightGreen!70},
38   {draw=TolDarkPink,    fill=TolDarkPink!70},
39   {draw=TolDarkPurple,  fill=TolDarkPurple!70},
40   {draw=TolDarkRed,     fill=TolDarkRed!70},
41   {draw=TolDarkBrown,   fill=TolDarkBrown!70},
42   {draw=TolLightRed,    fill=TolLightRed!70},
43   {draw=TolLightPink,   fill=TolLightPink!70},
44   {draw=TolLightPurple, fill=TolLightPurple!70},
45   {draw=TolLightBlue,   fill=TolLightBlue!70},
46   {draw=TolDarkGreen,   fill=TolDarkGreen!70},
47 }
48 \pgfplotscreateplotcyclelist{mlineplot cycle}{%
49   {TolDarkBlue, mark=*, mark size=1.5pt},
50   {TolLightBrown, mark=square*, mark size=1.3pt},
51   {TolLightGreen, mark=triangle*, mark size=1.5pt},
52   {TolDarkBrown, mark=diamond*, mark size=1.5pt},
53 }
54 \pgfplotsset{
55   compat=1.9,
56   mlineplot/.style={
57     mbaseplot,
58     xmajorgrids=true,
59     ymajorgrids=true,
60     major grid style={dotted},
61     axis x line=bottom,
62     axis y line=left,
63     legend style={
64       cells={anchor=west},
65       draw=none
66     },
67     cycle list name=mlineplot cycle,
68   },
69   mbarplot base/.style={
70     mbaseplot,
71     bar width=6pt,
72     axis y line*=none,
73   },
74   mbarplot/.style={
75     mbarplot base,
76     ybar,
77     xmajorgrids=false,
78     ymajorgrids=true,
79     area legend,
80     legend image code/.code={%
81       \draw[#1] (0cm,-0.1cm) rectangle (0.15cm,0.1cm);
82     },
83     cycle list name=mbarplot cycle,
84   },
85   horizontal mbarplot/.style={
86     mbarplot base,
87     xmajorgrids=true,
88     ymajorgrids=false,
89     xbar stacked,
90     area legend,
91     legend image code/.code={%
92       \draw[#1] (0cm,-0.1cm) rectangle (0.15cm,0.1cm);
93     },
94     cycle list name=mbarplot cycle,
95   },
96   mbaseplot/.style={
97     legend style={
98       draw=none,
99       fill=none,
100       cells={anchor=west},
101     },
102     x tick label style={
103       font=\footnotesize
104     },
105     y tick label style={
106       font=\footnotesize
107     },
108     legend style={
109       font=\footnotesize
110     },
111     major grid style={
112       dotted,
113     },
114     axis x line*=bottom,
115   },
116   disable thousands separator/.style={
117     /pgf/number format/.cd,
118       1000 sep={}
119   },
120 }
121 \endinput
122 %%
123 %% End of file `pgfplotsthemetol.sty'.

Benjamin Mako Hill || Want to submit a patch?