#!/usr/bin/env python # AttachCheck -- A MTA wrapper to help check outgoing email for # forgotten attachments. # (c) 2005 -- Benjamin Mako Hill # Author/Software Homepage at: http://mako.cc # This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. # This is free software and is licensed under the GNU GPL. __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2004 Benjamin Mako Hill" __author__ = "Benjamin Mako Hill " ### Configuration Options ########################################### # location of the sendmail binary sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail" # list of mimetype which are, for the sake of this program, not # attachments ignored_types = ( "applica/pgp-signat", "application/pgp-signature" ) # list of regular expressions which we will view as being indicative # of an attachment attachment_regexes = [ r'\battach(ed|ment|ing)?\b(?im)', r'\balleg(o|at[oaie]|ando)' ] ### No Edit Below This Line ########################################### import sys import os import email import re ## SUB: send message def send_message(): mailpipe = os.popen("%s -t" % sendmail, 'w') mailpipe.write( message_string ) sys.exit( mailpipe.close() ) ## SUB: print error message def print_error(): print >>sys.stderr, \ """(Your message mentions attachments but does not include any. Either: (1) Add an attachment or add \"CONFIRM\" (in ALLCAPS to beginning of the subject of the message and resend. \"CONFIRM\" will be stripped from your message subject befor the message is sent. (2) Add a \"X-AttachCheck-Override: Yes\" header the message. Read the documentation for AttachCheck for more details.""" # get the mail from stdin message_string = sys.stdin.read() message = email.message_from_string( message_string ) attachment_expected = False attachment_seen = False text_seen = False for part in message.walk(): # check to see if this part is a plain text entry if part.get_content_type() == "text/plain": # if this is the second text block, we should interrate # through things if text_seen: attachment_seen = True # otherwise, mark that we've now seen one text field else: text_seen = True # search for the word "attach" or "attached" or "attachment" # in the body of the message for regex in attachment_regexes: if re.search( regex, part.get_payload() ): attachment_expected = True # check to see if this mime-type is something we can ignore elif ( re.match( r'message/(?m)', part.get_content_type() ) or re.match( r'multipart/(?m)', part.get_content_type() ) or part.get_content_type() in ignored_types ): continue # if it's not text and it's an ignored type, it's a seen attachment else: attachment_seen = True # now check to see if we are expecting an attachment if attachment_expected: # if we are expecting an attachment and we've seen one, we should # send the file and be done with things if attachment_seen: send_message() # if we are expected have not seen it, we need to check to see if # the mail has been confirmed else: # check for the confirmation if re.search( r'Subject: CONFIRM', message_string ): message_string = re.sub( r'(Subject: )(CONFIRM )(.*?)\n', r'\1\3\n', message_string ) send_message() elif message.get( 'X-AttachCheck-Override' ) == "Yes": send_message() else: print_error() sys.exit( 1 ) # if we are not expecting anything more, we should send the message else: send_message()