descriptionSocial bookmarking like Delicious system implemented in free software
ownergit repository hosting
last changeMon, 29 May 2023 18:21:54 +0000 (11:21 -0700)
2023-05-29 Benjamin Mako... Merge branch 'extended-cookie' master
2023-05-29 Benjamin Mako... updated gitignore to ignore temporary files
2023-05-29 robelixadd .gitignore
2023-05-29 Callum MacdonaldIgnore config file.
2023-05-29 robelixremove duplicate shared-tag in xml - the android apps...
2023-05-29 Takuya OnoBugfix: bookmark duplicate check on mysqli
2023-05-29 Benjamin Mako... updated gettext based on new strings extended-cookie
2023-05-29 Benjamin Mako... updated the string related to weeks
2023-05-29 Tarek SolimanChange cookie time to 2 years
2019-07-16 Benjamin Mako... Merge remote-tracking branch 'gh-takuya-o/patch-mysqli...
2019-07-16 Benjamin Mako... Merge remote-tracking branch 'gh-takuya-o/PHP7.0-mysqli'
2016-09-05 Takuya OnoBugfix: bookmark duplicate check on mysqli
2016-08-15 Takuya OnoSupporting PHP7.0 on "mysqli" DB driver.
2012-04-08 Benjamin Mako... Merge branch 'master' of
2012-04-08 Benjamin Mako... Merge branch 'autocomplete-tags'
2012-04-08 Benjamin Mako... improve the perfromance of the javascript autocomplete... autocomplete-tags
10 months ago master
10 months ago extended-cookie
12 years ago autocomplete-tags
12 years ago modified-date
12 years ago import-private
12 years ago long-descriptions

Benjamin Mako Hill || Want to submit a patch?